1. Targeted participants:

– Officers working in the financial sector want to learn in-depth financial analysis methods for businesses;– Managers and executives of the enterprises;– People want to study and work in the financial department of companies.

2. Course Objectives

– Update the current financial situation, make good use of the changes of the financial market to apply it in practice– Detailed analysis of financial statements, financial evaluation of investment projects– Strong knowledge of internal financial management

Session 1: Overview of corporate finance– The role of financial accounting and financial management in the enterprise– Purpose of financial information, accounting and financial principles– Methods of financial statement analysis+ Control and evaluation of financial statements financial activities in the enterprise+ Notes to the financial statements, the relationship between the components of the financial statements+ Accounting standards and accounting regimes being appliedPractice: Reviewing financial activities at enterprises.
Session 2: Analyze the financial indicators of the business– Financial ratios of the enterprise+ Liquidity ratios+ Operation ratios+ Risk ratios+ Potential growth indicators– Structural analysis in financial statements+ Structure and cost of capital+ Analyze the impact of leverage– Dupont analysis– Advantages and disadvantages of financial index analysis
Session 3:  Cash flow management and working capital forecasting– Enterprise cash flow management and cash flow forecasting– Cash flow management methods to achieve business efficiency– Working capital turnover– Receivables, payables, average collection period, number Average days payable– Managing inventory when, optimizing average days of inventory
Session 4: Assess the financial performance of the business– Principles of measuring and reporting business performance– Analysis of volume – cost – profit relationship– Break-even point– Evaluating performance against set budget– Analysis of operational efficiency business activities– Allocating general costs to each product, branch
Session 5: Controlling costs, making and using budgets– Identify types of costs in the business and the role of cost control– Effective cost control tools– Analyze cost fluctuations and apply cost analysis to make decisions in business– Implement business budgeting process– Use budget effectively and reasonably to manage business activities of the enterprise
Session 6:  Analysis and appraisal of investment projects– Assess the impact of investment decisions– Determine the information needed to be collected to evaluate an investment project– Techniques for evaluating investment projects– Determine the sources of capital needed to implement the project– Building business plans, investment plans- Methods of appraising investment projects (NPV, IRR, PI, DPP, …)
Session 7: Risk management and internal control system building– Building an internal control system to prevent and detect risks– Risk management process in the business of the enterprise– Measures to overcome, improve and minimize risks for the enterprise– Companies Internal financial control tool– Develop regulations and processes to control internal operations of the enterprise
Session 8: Managing the tax system in the business– Identify and prevent tax risks at the business– Tax optimization methods– Notes on deductible expenses– Update the latest tax content


6.500.000 VND
– VND 3,200,000/student if registered before 05/12/2022
– VND 3,000,000/student when registering for a group of 2 or more people before 05/12/2022


  • Account holder: Institute of Business Training and Consulting
  • Account number: 137607368
  • Bank: Vietnam Prosperity Bank (VPBank)_Thang Long Branch
  • Content of transfer: Name_Phone Number_EFM Fee
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